Thursday 28 April 2011

Considering Sound

As a group, we had to decide on music and sound for our final piece. The music had to fit in with our chosen genre (psychological thriller) and had to engage the audience while creating the desired atmosphere within the film opening.
We thought that a good idea would be to build up various sounds, overlapping them to create a group of different sounds to convey the genre.
For the opening of our film, we have used a montage so we would need to consider a big range of sounds to build up as the effect would be for the sound to overlap each other and suddenly cut out to create a tense atmosphere relating to the plot line of our film.
The sound we used would need to be royalty free in order to avoid copyright so we looked at a range of royalty free websites and found ‘incompetech’ which had a range of different sounds for specific genres which was appropriate for our film. We looked at the horror genre.

We decided to use Bump in the Night as our main piece of sound as we felt this would build up the atmosphere we were aiming for and convey the genre in the best possible way.
As we were creating a montage, we needed a build up of sound to create tension and so we decided to incorporate Slow Ticking Clock and Deep Noise within the piece to show a harsher atmosphere.

Friday 8 April 2011

2nd Rough Cut


Year 11 - Ages 15 - 16
Titles aren't consistent
Music is too loud at the beginning
They really liked the use of the news reporters
They liked the use of the shoes and jeans at the puddle
They didn't like the use of the static sound effect when the man appears in the mirror
They loved the use of the girl in the mirror and how the man appears
It keeps you interested
Love the sound in the background
Maybe we should use some more different camera angles
Pictures matched the genre
Some parts were hard to see due to the lighting
The images that were flashing in and out could be a bit longer as they couldn't see them
16 out of 25 wanted to watch the rest of the film

Year 13 - Ages 17 - 18
These are media students so they are looking at the film at a different perspective
Need to sort out the titles
The news reports are really good
One of the news reporters is on the screen for too long before they actually speak
The font doesn't go with the genre
Font needs to be more white rather than blue to enable better vision of it
Love the title

They think that we should change the opening completely so that its all back to front and we see the kitchen scene before the news reports.

Friday 1 April 2011

Health and Safety

When filming we had to take into cosideration health and safety aspects within location and surroundings to ensure the safety of our actors, ourselves and people around our locations.
We had various locations in which we were filming so we had to make sure we thought about health and safety when it came to the filming.
1st location - Street (CCTV)

-We had to make sure the young girl (Angel) was safe walking down the road and make sure the road wasnt busy without disrupting any drivers.
2nd location - Field/Forrest
-When filming in an exterior location we had to be aware of the environment and so made sure not to litter or harm any animals that may be around.
-We also respected any people that were out as we came across some dog walkers as it is a public place and had to act politely to any public memeber around the filming location.
3rd location - Kitchen
-This scene was a busy scene with 3 of the actors featured coming in and out of the scene. We had to make sure the room was clear avoiding any trips and falls and injuries to our actors.
-We also made sure props were safely handled (butter knife) by an adult.
4th location - Bathroom
-When filming in the bathroom and with use of water, we had to be aware of the electrical equipment (camera) we were using to film in order for no damage to occur so made sure the camera was away from any water being used as this would not only damage the equipment but could also harm actors or ourselves.

By Amy Welsh & Laura Thomas