Tuesday 1 March 2011

Audition for the Mother - Paige Smith

This is the audition of Jane Dinnes.
We thought it would be better to have the audition in a group for the mother.

Jane's audition showed us that she was able to put the right emotions to the character that we wanted her to play. She was able to project her voice and play the part taking in the directions that we gave her, she fitted into the age range that we were looking for.
The only criticism that we had with the audition is that at times she wasn't able to hold the emotion and found herself laughing quite a lot.

Analysed By Lauren Dinnes
Filmed By Lauren Dinnes
Edited By Lauren Dinnes
Voice-over By Jess Foster

This is an audition for Joanna Dennis.

Joanna Dennis done well previously in her audition for the News Reporter so we could not cast her for the role of the mother 'Paige Smith'. However commenting on her audition, she was able to take direction and done well acting with another person. When Lauren Dinnes did not deliver the line as the father, Joanna done well to improvise and stayed in character.

Filmed By Jess Foster and Lauren Dinnes
Edited By Lauren Dinnes
Voice-over By Jess Foster
Analysis by Jess Foster

This is the audition for Tara Saylik.

Tara Saylik had instant chemistry with her daughter therefore making her great for the role. However in the background it was distracting for her, but she still stayed in character. This enabled us to come to a great decision that she would be great for the role of 'Paige Smith'.

Filmed By Laura Thomas and Amy Welsh
Edited By Lauren Dinnes
Voice-over By Jess Foster
Analysis By Jess Foster

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