Tuesday 1 March 2011

Audition for News Reporter 3

This is the audition for Michael Smart.

Michale Smart is very photogenic, appropriate for the part of the News Reporter, as his body language is formal and appropriate on camera. His voice is clear although he does not speak with clear diction. However he is able to project his voice. The weakness of this audition was he did not experiment with movement although he was restricted with the script he did not experiment with hand gestures. Also there are issues with transport, getting him to the film location therefore we were not able to pick him for the part, we also did not feel that he was ready.

Filmed By Lauren Dinnes and Jess Foster
Edited By Jess Foster
Voice-over By Jess Foster
Analysis by Jess Foster

This is the audition for Angus Roy.

Angus Roy is also photogenic and acts appropriately on camera making him already great for the part of the French News Reporter. He was incredibly responsible and organised and took direction well, and spoke with great diction projected his voice clearly.  Fortunately he is able to get to our location making it easy for us to decided that he would fit and play the French News Reporter well.

Filmed By Lauren Dinnes and Jess Foster
Edited By Lauren Dinnes
Voice-over By Jess Foster
Analysis by Jess Foster

This is the audition for Robyn Watts.

This is the audition for the German News Reporter.  As Robyn started his audition nerves got to him, and he had bad organisation skills and struggles to take direction and found it hard to translate the lines off the script to German. However this was a fault on our behalf as we could have researched and translated it for him making it easier in his audition. Baring in mind the bad organisation skills we felt that he could be unreliable and decided not to take the risk.

Filmed By Lauren Dinnes
Edited By Lauren Dinnes
Voice-over By Jess Foster
Analysis by Jess Foster

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