Thursday 3 March 2011

Consent Form

For all of our actors that we decided to cast, we had to gain consent from them to be in our film and be credited on the film and uploaded to you tube. We got this consent by handing out consent forms to each actor for them to sign.
For anyone under the age of 16, we needed parental consent so we followed the same process of handing out forms to gain consent.

I……………….give consent for myself/my son/my daughter (delete as appropriate) to be featured on Blogger and Youtube.

I would/would not like my name to be credited on the final film.



This is an example of the consent form given to actors to be part of our film. We had to use consent forms to make sure we did not breach any ethical guidelines. Consent forms had to be presented to show we had gained permission for our actors to be viewed on programmes such as Youtube and Blogger and the World Wide Web to the public.

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