Tuesday 15 February 2011


For our film opening, we had to consider certification in order to create boundaries for the viewing audiences.
Taking into consideration the different aspects of each age certification we, as a group, have decided to give our film a 15 certification.
This means no-one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ certified film in a cinema and no-one under the age of 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.
We have chosen this as it will allow us to incorporate the required aspects of our genre such as the horror. A 15 allows a strong threat and menace unless sadistic or sexualised which is what we are aiming for and dangerous behaviour. However, this behaviour will not be in too much detail in order for it not to be copied.
We may also look at using strong language at times in the piece and a 15 rating allows us to do this as long as it isn’t aggressive and repeated.
An 18 certified film focuses more on sex aspects of filming and as we are creating a psychological thriller, this would not be a big issue so this is why our film will not be rated an 18.
Also we felt that the 12/12A rating would be too low as we figured it would restrict us too much in the way in which we would incorporate the horror in the film with possible frequent disturbing sequences.

Written by Amy Welsh

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