Friday 18 February 2011

Feedback on the Final Storyboard

Once we finished our second draft of the storyboard we got another group to look at it and give us feedback on what they thought about it.
This is the feedback that we received:

Positive Feedback:
Its really detailed.
We really like the way you've thought about the title and how you want to do it.
Overall you have a really good idea.

Constructive Feedback:
I think you should get rid of the conversation between the girl and her parents at the end and just stop it at the girl walking down the stairs.

Our group then talked about the feedback that we received and said that the only reason we should keep the conversation at the end is so that it doesn't look like a trailer, by having a normal piece at the end the audience don't know whats going to happen so we can keep it as a really good open narrative and it also looks like an opening and not a trailer.

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