Thursday 10 February 2011

Jelly Baby Task

We carried out a task using jelly babies in order to improvise and create a variety of story lines and openings to various genre's. We chose psychologial thriller.It also gave us an insight into devising film openings and the ranges in which we may consider. We used post-it notes and jelly babies to create different openings with regards to different genres which would help us when creating our own openings. To begin with, we thought up lots of different ideas and then finalised our best one. We used timings and editing details within this. As we were coming up with idea's for our opening, the jelly baby task taught us not to come up with a complex story line, and not to over think and complicate our idea's as it would make the task too difficult.

As we have developed on through the process of the others tasks set, the jelly baby task has made it able for our group to develop upon idea's to come to a final decision on what genre we have chosen and also our entire film opening.

Ideas from all the group
Written and Drawn by Amy Welsh

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